I’m very sorry that you experienced minor delays today but it was such a lovely afternoon I couldn’t bring myself to speed up any. Let’s face it, who would want to be down a dark, chilly tunnel when the sun is shining, the birds are singing and there’s a possibility of seeing fox cubs beside the line? Not me, that’s for sure and that was why we trundled for a bit.

It’s a fair trade really though. Think of all those times I’ve opened up the doors early when it’s pouring with rain and let you get in out of the wet. And what about when it’s freezing cold and you are still at the top of the stairs – how many times have I kept the train waiting for you when I should be on my way? Loads, that’s how many.

So please do expect minor delays when you are experiencing Severe Delays throughout the spring. We’ll no doubt get a bit quicker when summer comes and all I’ll want to do is get to the end of the line and flop in the heat. But for now, we’re going to be taking it easy.

lots of love,

Severe Delays
